About Us


Hi, I’m bx, (Bex). That’s a nickname I have had since I was 12 after Wreckx-n-Effect.

I’m a 40+ mom of 2 and have lived in Singapore, Japan, and Hong Kong. We moved back to Toronto after being away for 15+ years. I’m still adjusting.

I used to work in branding and marketing communications in Singapore. I wrote for a lifestyle magazine while living in Tokyo, and also worked as an Editor-in-Chief for
a global company in Hong Kong. Then I got my Masters in Creative Writing and pursued literary writing. While all this was happening, it took me many years to become a mom. 

I started this shop because I noticed a lot of things about Korean culture when I was dating my husband back in the day. And somehow I was always made to feel “not Korean enough” (not from husband) even though I was Chinese. This all changed with my first trip to Korea in 2008.

I fell deeply in love with the culture, food, and everything else first hand. I developed my own relationship and reference points to Korean culture. It was no longer just the culture I married into. Korea and its people welcomed me with open arms, eager for me to enjoy, learn, and try everything. So I want to do the same for you. You’re invited to have a piece of this culture, even if it’s not your own.
